What we are doing to keep us all safe. Burlington, VT Dentist

What we are doing for your safety!

What to expect at your next visit. Patient Protocol

For your safety and the safety of our team and their families

  • Please make every effort to enter the office alone. We are following social distancing rules and limiting the number of people in the reception room. Family members and accompanying guests should wait outside the office when possible.
  • Confirmation calls, texts and emails will include a reminder for you to bring your personal masks to the office and if you are sick to call and reschedule the appointment.
  • If you are experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms listed below, please call and reschedule. We truly want to avoid having to ask you to go home. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  • The front entry door will be propped open to eliminate excessive touching of the handle.
  • The reception area chairs will be arranged approximately 6 feet apart to ensure social distancing. 
  • I-pads, coffee makers, water dispensers and magazines have been removed or are unavailable.  
  • Tissues, no touch trash cans and hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the office. 
  • Handshakes and hugs are no longer permissible. We want to welcome you back safelyl.
  • Please stay socially distanced and please wear your mask at all times. 
  • Plexiglas shields have been installed between patients and our front desk coordinators at the check in and check out stations.

Patient Office Entry Steps

11. A Disinfection Station will be located in the entry foyer to the office. 

  • STEP 1: Place your coat on the coat hooks at entry 
  • STEP 2: Disinfect your hands using alcohol wash on the table 
  • STEP 3: Keep your mask on until we would ask you to remove it. If you do not have it, one will be provided.  
  • STEP 4: Fill out the PATIENT ADVISORY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT form unless you already did this online

Have you had any of the following within the last 14 days: 

  • Covid-19
  • Fever: 100.4 or more
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing, watery eyes, sinus pain not associated with allergies
  • Malaise (feel lousy) 
  • Myalgia (muscle aches) 
  • Loss of sense of taste or smell
  • Contact with persons with above symptoms or who tested positive to coronavirus
  • STEP 6:  Our front staff will take your temperature with an infrared non-touch thermometer. 
  • STEP 7: If your answers are NO to all of the COVID-19 questions then the clinician will see you. 
  • STEP 8: If one or more answers are YES to the COVID-19 questions, then it is highly likely we will need to reschedule. I truly apologize for the inconvenience but we currently are unable to officially rule out COVID-19 and we will be unable to see you. 

What’s New?

Cleanliness has always been our top priority.

We have always followed CDC, ADA AND OSHA Infection Control and Sterilization Protocols.

We are now adding additional measures to our protocols.

  1. NEW: All staff will take their temperature daily and report to the doctors anything greater  than 100
  2. NEW: All staff including administrative staff will wear surgical masks at all times.
  3. NEW: Masks may be removed only for drinking, eating, etc.
  4. NEW: All staff having direct contact with patients, i.e. exams  will be wearing additional personal protective equipment consisting of a N95 surgical mask, safety glasses, and gloves whenever treating a patient. 
  5. NEW: For treatment procedures that generate aerosols or splatter, i.e. cleanings, surgery, implants, a  gown and a face shield (new) will be worn by the clinician in addition to the personal protective equipment mentioned above in #5.  
  6. NEW: When verbally interviewing a patient, gloves can be omitted until the oral exam portion begins.
  7. NEW: Patients will now gargle and pre-rinse with a Peroxyl Mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide has been shown to kill COVID-19 by rinsing but not ingesting.
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Our Location

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-9:00 pm


7:00 am-9:00 pm


7:00 am-9:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm



